SPEAK Highlighted By Schweitzer Fellowship

SPEAK was highlighted by the Schweitzer Fellowship for the second time last month, as they recognized the work that has been done by three of their fellows. Executive Director Jessica Bullock, our original Schweitzer Fellow, was originally profiled in August 2015 for the SPEAK Prison Debate Initiative at the Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility. Today, SPEAK is proud to boast three Schweitzer Fellows, including Antonietta Girardi and Laura Savall, as well as a variety of programs in Vermont, Nationally, and around the world.
The Schweitzer Fellowship has been integral to SPEAK's growth. They provided us with initial funds to purchase materials for our first program in a correctional setting, allowed us to digitize our curriculum, and created opportunities for us to incorporate professional development and resume building into our curriculum in a more formal manner. Their support injected SPEAK with the energy, creativity, and innovation that our volunteers are capable of, and has given us the capacity to expand our reach to promote powerful voices in a wider range of settings. We are grateful for the Schweitzer Fellowship's ongoing support, and for their recognition of SPEAK's hard work and dedication to raising the voices of those in our communities who need to be heard the most.